Tuesday 20 September 2016

What is Transcendental Meditation?

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Transcendental Meditation is the purest, simplest, and most effective form of meditation the world has known.

It is the pure technique of transcending – settling to the simplest, most powerful state of awareness – untainted by any mind control or thought process.

Transcendental Meditation allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to the most silent, peaceful level of consciousness – your innermost Self.

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How does Transcendental Meditation work?

Transcendental Meditation allows the mind to simply, naturally and effortlessly transcend thinking and to experience a state of restfully alert consciousness. This deeply restful experience of transcending rejuvenates mind and body, leading to a wide range of benefits in daily life.

How Transcendental Meditation is different

Transcendental Meditation is unique. It is fundamentally different from other systems of meditation and relaxation. A recent study on brain activity during meditation, published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition identifies three fundamental categories of meditation: focused attention, open monitoring or mindfulness, and automatic self-transcending - a new category introduced by the authors to describe Transcendental Meditation.

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Benefits of meditating

  • Health benefits
  • Inner peace and happiness
  • Stress reduction
  • Creativity
Extensive research has found that Transcendental Meditation reduces stress and anxiety resulting in more inner peace, creativity, health, success and happiness.

This one simple technique allows you to go beyond thinking and contact the deep, transcendental source of all your energy, creativity and intelligence, dissolving stress and enriching mind, body, emotions and relationships.

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Inner peace and happiness

Transcendental Meditation produces a coherent state of restful alertness – a state of true inner peace, for your mind and also your body. Deep within your mind is a peaceful field of pure consciousness, your own awareness awake to its own most settled state. Transcendental Meditation allows you to experience this – effortlessly.

Stress reduction

Transcendental Meditation eliminates the effects of stress internally and physiologically. When practised regularly, this results in a more balanced outlook, more energy and motivation and a deeper appreciation of one's surroundings.


The experience of restful alertness during Transcendental Meditation creates the optimum condition to unfold your full potential for maximum intelligence and creativity.

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