Sunday 2 October 2016


9. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

Camel pose provides an intense stretch for the front side of the body while strengthening the backside. Backbending is an essential part of any yoga sequence because it counteracts the effects of spending so much time sitting with your hips and knees at 90-degree angles. It can be a very challenging posture, so ease into it slowly and carefully. HOW TO DO IT: Kneel on a yoga mat with your knees and feet about hip-distance apart. Place your palms on your lower back, fingers pointing down. Draw your elbows together behind you. Inhale and lengthen up toward the ceiling, then exhale as you arch back, allowing your head to fall back with control as well. Stay here or intensify the stretch by reaching your hands for your heels, maintaining the arch in your back as you push your hips forward.

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