Tuesday 4 October 2016


10. Cat-Cow Pose

Back pain affects almost everyone at some point, and a lack of activity can worsen the condition. Cat-cow pose is a combination of two poses performed in a flowing sequence. It loosens up the back muscles, hips and abdominals and strengthens the back and neck to improve posture and balance. It’s also a very relaxing pose, helping to relieve the day’s stresses. HOW TO DO IT: Start on all fours with your shoulders directly over your wrists, your hips directly over your knees and a neutral spine. Slowly arch your spine so that your belly lowers down toward the floor and your tailbone, shoulders and the crown of your head lift up, creating a hammock shape with your spine. Look up slightly, getting a gentle stretch in your neck. Come back to a neutral spine, and then round your back, tucking your chin and reaching your mid-back up toward the ceiling. Repeat several times, making smooth transitions and aligning your breath with your movement.

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