Tuesday 4 October 2016


11. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Yoga teacher Julie Bernier says that the final resting posture, Savasana, is “the hardest, easiest, most important yoga pose.” Even advanced practitioners who can contort and invert their bodies in numerous ways can find the practice of just being still challenging. But it’s essential to finish your practice with five to 10 minutes of deep relaxation. During this time, your body begins to really reap the benefits of your practice, your mind becomes quiet and you can transition from your practice to the rest of your day feeling more refreshed. HOW TO DO IT: Lie on your back, extending your arms and legs out from the midline of your body. Open your palms to the ceiling and close your eyes. Breathe normally, be still and let go completely of anything you’re holding on to, including muscles and thoughts.

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